“Dr. Rahul Kansal” Locations
About “Dr. Rahul Kansal”
Dr. Rahul Kansal has obtained medical experience at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi and David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA, USA. He is a qualified mental health professional who advocates positive psychology and adequate mental health services to the people who are not able to utilize it due to STIGMA.
It’s his and our duty to reduce this stigma and let people who are suffering get help for mental health issues as readily as you would for cardiac problems, T.B., cancer or diabetes. As just like other health problems, mental health problems are manageable in the majority of patients. Let’s take a step forward for those who suffer and loose both Quantity and Quality of Life due to easily manageable mental health problems.
Mental health problems can lead to both genesis (Initiation) as well as Worsening Of Physical Health problems like Hypertension, Diabetes, cardio-vascular and cerebro-vascular disorders according to the recent evidence base.
Dr Rahul Kansal is a qualified Neuro-psychiatrist who has received training at AIIMS, Delhi and David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA, USA. He specializes in:
* Neuro-psychiatric problems
* Psycho-somatic Medicine
* Chronic pain Conditions – Headache and Backache, Diabetic Neuropathic pain
* De-addiction
* Sex problems
* Sleep problems and eating disorders
* Memory Problems
* OCD and Anxiety Disorders
* Mood Disorders (Depression and Bipolar Disorder)
* Conversion Disorder (Hysteria)
* Epilepsy and Migraine
* Dementia and Parkinson’s Disease, Tremors
* Autism, Attention problems (ADHD), Intellectual Disability and other Learning Disorders in Children.
* Positive Mental health
* Diet, Exercise and Fitness
* Holistic Mind-body Physician.
Offered Services

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