“Dr. Paramjeet Singh” Locations
About “Dr. Paramjeet Singh”
Dr. Paramjeet Singh is a Psychiatrist with over 14 years of clinical, teaching and research experience. A graduate from the renowned Maulana Azad Medical College, Lok Nayak Hospital and Gobind Ballabh Bhai Pant Institute of medical education and research, He was deeply affected by the psychological and emotional distress of patients suffering from various medical and surgical illnesses. This motivated him to choose Psychiatry as his subject of interest in providing health care to the society at large. His post-graduate training at the much sought after premier neuropsychiatric hospital; IHBAS (Institute Of Human Behavior & Allied Sciences) provided him with a vast knowledge of severe mental illness like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and substance addiction. Chronic and disabling neurotic disorders like depression and anxiety along with neuropsychiatric disorders of dementia and parkinsonism are his area of expertise.
Having organized multiple mental health camps on world mental health day each year has ingrained him with a strong skill of establishing rapport and instilling confidence in personal interactions even with the most difficult patients. Teaching post graduate medical students, nursing cadets and psychology interns, the fine nuances of psychiatry for over 12 years, make him an expert in his field. An excellent example of a harmonious blend of traditional and contemporary outlook, his methods of practicing Psychiatry reflect his warm, genuine and empathic personality along with a firm yet polite approach towards his patients.
Widely acknowledged by his students, colleagues, and seniors as a patient, dedicated and learned clinician, he is respected and much sought after by his patients for his calm, approachable and flexible approach towards management of mental illness. Having claimed many laurels and awards for his expertise in this field, he wishes to dedicate more of himself in the field of mental health care in the coming years. With the long-term goal of reducing distress caused by mental illness not just in the patient or caregiver, but society at large, he has initiated investing greater energies and interests by extending his participation and availability for his patients and wishes to continue with these humble efforts to further this cause.
has also been actively involved in furthering the cause of mental health care. His passion towards psychiatry and mental health is the driving force for him to be actively involved in patients welfare.
through public interaction and awareness activities through various mediums including print, electronic and social media.
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